Asociación Internacional de los Movimientos Familiares de Formación Rural
Association Internationale des Mouvements Familiaux de Formation Rurale
Associazione Internazionale dei Movimenti Familiari di Formazione Rurale
International Association of Family Movements for Rural Training
Associação Internacional de Movimentos Familiares de Formação Rural

Agreement of collaboration between the AIMFR and «Unión de Escuelas Familiares Agrarias (UNEFA)» in Spain

The International Association of Family Movements in Rural Education (AIMFR) signed a Collaboration Agreement with the «Unión de Escuelas Familiares Agrarias (UNEFA)», of Spain.

Through this Agreement, AIMFR and UNEFA agreed to collaborate in the promotion of a project with four fields of action: Rural Development – Technical Documentation – Organization and Management – Training people to promote the development of CEFFAs in developing countries.

The AIMFR propose, taking into account each field of expertise and the needs of each region of the world, the concrete actions and ways to manage the documentation provided by UNEFA. In use, adaptation and reworking of the said documents must be mentioned the UNEFA as a source of it.

It is the AIMFR task the direction and liability to third parties of the project.

Both parties will draw up an annual report justifying its realization and application of the same means provided by UNEFA.

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