Asociación Internacional de los Movimientos Familiares de Formación Rural
Association Internationale des Mouvements Familiaux de Formation Rurale
Associazione Internazionale dei Movimenti Familiari di Formazione Rurale
International Association of Family Movements for Rural Training
Associação Internacional de Movimentos Familiares de Formação Rural

Letter of solidarity Paris attaks

The International Association of Family Movements in Rural Education AIMFR, enriched by the values ​​carried by all the families gathered in the thousand associations in the world, they want to wish to convey their deepest support for the families of the French MFR legitimately worried, sad and affected by unspeakable events of recent days.

We are united and supportive to the necessity of a common good for youth, families and the society on the planet.

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Más Noticias

Deceso Presidenta de FACEPT en Argentina

Con profundo pesar y corazones apesadumbrados, nos dirigimos a ustedes para compartir la triste noticia del fallecimiento de PATRICIA SUMEY, Presidenta de nuestro socio FACEPT,