Asociación Internacional de los Movimientos Familiares de Formación Rural
Association Internationale des Mouvements Familiaux de Formation Rurale
Associazione Internazionale dei Movimenti Familiari di Formazione Rurale
International Association of Family Movements for Rural Training
Associação Internacional de Movimentos Familiares de Formação Rural

Virtual meeting of the expanded AIMFR

 On November 11, the virtual meeting of the expanded AIMFR 2020 Board of Directors was held.

Members of the current Managing Board and representatives were present and different Alternation networks from different countries of the world were specially invited.

The Managing Board approved the Minutes of meeting 2919, as well as the 2019/2020 Activities Report.


The AIMFR General Assembly was postponed to March 2021, where a new President will be elected and the entity’s Managing Board will be renewed.


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