Asociación Internacional de los Movimientos Familiares de Formación Rural
Association Internationale des Mouvements Familiaux de Formation Rurale
Associazione Internazionale dei Movimenti Familiari di Formazione Rurale
International Association of Family Movements for Rural Training
Associação Internacional de Movimentos Familiares de Formação Rural

Philippines – A French School Program will help boost Philippine rural development

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The alternánce system has proven to be a success in France. Today, there are 430 Maison Familiale Rurale (Rural Family House – MFR) that offer more than 700 job specializations. These are not just limited to farming but include trades like culinary, tourism, industrial technologies, health and medical-allied professions.

In the Philippines, this system of education was introduced in 1988 when the Dagatan Family Farm School in Lipa City opened its doors.

Then President Corazon C. Aquino was the guest of honor during its inauguration. During her speech, she promised the students that when they finish the course, she shall host the graduation in Malacañan Palace. And she did fulfill that promise.

Recently, the Department of Education (DepEd) issued the Implementing Rules and Regulations for the Rural Farm Schools Act (Republic Act No. 10618). With this in place, more Rural Farm Schools shall be established in the years to come. The law mandates DepEd to establish at least one such school per province during its first year of implementation.

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